Back AT it

Back AT it

Hello! Long time no hear on our end. But, we've had more going on than you could imagine! Our feature, Take Two, is in worldwide distribution and has been seen by millions! Our lead actors, Robert and Dawn, have also been in several new productions! Our next couple...

Things are Happening…

Things are Happening…

Hello! We have a lot of catching up to do, so here's a general update about what's been going on: Since our move to New York 2 years ago, we have been marketing our film, Take Two, in many avenues. We've made several connections that have been beneficial and...

Name Our Film!

Name Our Film!

We're LOOKING FOR A TITLE FOR OUR NEW FILM! Comment ideas below!! If we pick your title, you will be given a special thanks in the credits! Here’s what it’s about: A remote small town in Montana, set on the Canadian border, finds itself in the sights of modern day...