Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Dear Friends & Family,Well it’s that time of year again…and what a year it has been! This season finds us full of excitement and business. The picture theme this year is “The Wizard of Oz” in honor of the film that inspired my...

That’s A Wrap!

That’s A Wrap!

That's a wrap! ...for Montana that is. All principle photography taking place in Montana is officially done. We were amazed every day of filming by God's goodness, our astounding actors, and incredible crew. Next we will be moving on to California and a couple other...



Amazing things have been happening! We have had a ton of fun with 29 days of filming under our belts. Our cast and crew have been astounding, and the prayers and support from everyone have blessed us greatly. We have also had our share of laughs on set 🙂 For a week...